SEO for Social Media Marketing

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn are quickly becoming the most popular websites on the planet. In fact, some analysts estimate that there are more than one hundred million active social media users. What's more, a recent study showed that between eight and nine hundred thousand of people around the world used social media sites in the month prior to conducting a marketing survey.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts can offer specialized services when it comes to using social media. So, if you're planning to launch a website or a new online advertising medium, you need to know about SEO. SEO is not copying and pasting pre-existing content. For that reason, most SEO specialists will tell you to produce original content. This way, you'll avoid being sidetracked with pondering over what social media marketing strategy took place. When you have original content, you'll also find that more people will view and link to your site.

Social Media SEO

Social media SEO is an area that offers glory to the amateur PR acting like bloggers and VLogs. At the end of the day, search engines index your social media content, so in order to drag your brand into the mainstream, you'll need to take advantage of social media SEO.

First, in order to get maximum publicity online, create a page on Facebook - one that is connected to your website but not hosted on your own domain. A brand should put its details on Facebook as well as on all its associated sites. One way to advertise your business through Facebook is by putting links on your site.

You can also advertise your business on YouTube. Many Youtube host videos that allow you to include a link back to your site. Another great tactic is to create a video that your friends and families can embed on their social networking profiles.

What is the 40-hour rule?

If you work digital marketing more than 40 hours per week, you may find that you are taking too much of your time. In some cases, a website is created simply to keep social media in the forefront of the user's attention.
